Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Basics

Huma Hall is pretty much Winn 3rd and about half of Winn 2nd (which for some reason is called the reject hall; personally I think they simply ran out of room). Winn 2nd also houses most of the Pre-Meds. Huma 1600 is a 6 credit class that covers both the workshop and seminar in one semester and completes the freshman requirement. In my opinion, if you're taking Humanities 1600, Winn 3rd is the place to be. Yes the class is hard and you complain about the load of work over half of the time but everyone else there feels exactly the same way. Also, the kitchen, lounge, and laundry room are all on Winn 3rd. Your hallmates become your study partners and your RM (who just so happens to be a Huma peer tutor) becomes your peer tutor as well. That last part is beneficial in particular when you have a crucial question at 1am and your class's peer tutor doesn't have office hours at that time. Thankfully for me and my RM group, Joe (our RM) is a Huma peer tutor, extremely nice and helpful, and awake until around 2am. Being completely honest, I am not saying that you have all the help you want and can mess around all you want until late just because the RM is also awake. Yes, we do have our fun activities almost every week such as going to Jacala last Saturday with our RM group to eat very tasty mexican food. One the other hand, we have increasingly been getting emails such as the one from yesterday:

Hey guys,

Hope everything is going well thus far.

Two quick things

1) I talked with the other RM's and we agreed that the noise level on the hall was getting a little out of hand. Screaming should be kept to a minimum even when it isn't during quiet hours. Between 11-9, try not to congregate in the hallways for conversation for more than a minute or so. Musical instruments or loud music also shouldn't be played during quiet hours. This was a universal problem on Winn 3rd, so we're not just blaming you guys.

2) We'll be having a program on educational success next week and I'm looking into what food to order. If you guys liked the cheesecake and rice krispy treats we had last time, that's fine. If you want something else, let me know. They have pretty much any kind of dessert, or we could order something like make your own nachos.

Thanks and have a great week!


From 11pm to 9am it is what is called as the quiet hours in which people are either asleep or doing homework and we are supposed to keep quiet. It is very reasonable to have this rule since it is important to respect others. However, when you're having a lot of fun (like I was last night around 11pm) you sometimes don't notice how loud you are being until you get the oh-so-embarrassing knock on your door from Texas (another RM) asking you to please keep the voices down because you can be heard down the hall. Huma Hall has its benefits and its very fun times in which you get to laugh and play with your hallmates, but it is also important to keep in mind that everyone has their right to peace and quiet at the very least between the times of 11pm-9am.

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