Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy days... or so it seems like.

These past two weeks have been a blur or homework, projects, and tests for me. Due to this I haven’t been out much with my RM group. However, this doesn’t mean that there haven’t been any activities to attend. Just a week ago the RM’s got together the people from both Winn second and third in the lounge on the third floor. They hosted a game of Apples to Apples in the lounge. I walked in for a bit and encountered an air of energy and excitement. Everyone was talking and making plans with big smiles on their faces. The RM’s themselves seemed happy at the large turnout of students that had showed up to play. They were going to set up teams of two and the moment that was announced everyone immediately picked their partner. Sometimes, due to the fact that I have a lot of homework, I tend to be excommunicated from my RM group that I get the impression that everyone else is pretty much the same. Yet, at other times it seems like everyone else is hanging out together having fun and I am the only one sitting in my room doing homework or sleeping when I really need the rest and I have the time for it. This week in particular seemed like the latter. For the past few days after the Apples to Apples game in the lounge the hall has been loud with noise. From the voices I can tell that the students making the commotion are mostly those of my RM group. They have been running up and down the hall screaming and laughing, apparently playing some sort of game. It seems like the game in the lounge not only was cause for entertainment but for more bonding time between hall mates. Even though sometimes the noise seems a little too much to bear it’s nice to have such a close hall group. This is all thanks to the RM’s that inhabit it. It wouldn’t be the same without them.

(Spending time alone in my room)

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